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Launch of the Public Sector Fraud Authority (PSFA)

Statement made on 7 July 2022

Statement UIN HCWS192


The Government has announced in the Spring Statement that it will create a Public Sector Fraud Authority (PSFA) to fight public sector fraud.

The PSFA will focus on performance and outcomes, building expert-led services to support government departments and public bodies to combat fraud. It will bring increased scrutiny across the system.

The government had planned for the PSFA to be launched in July 2022, with a statement to the House. The planned statement will be made, but at a later date.

The PSFA will be part of wider spending by the government of over £750 million to combat fraud. Once launched, it will replace the existing Centre of the Counter Fraud Function.

Statement from

Cabinet Office

Linked statements

This statement has also been made in the House of Lords

Cabinet Office
Launch of the Public Sector Fraud Authority (PSFA)
Lord True
Minister of State
Conservative, Life peer
Statement made 7 July 2022