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Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Statement made on 16 July 2020

Statement UIN HCWS383


Today I am establishing an independent Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. This cross-government Commission will review inequality in the UK, across the whole population.

The Commission’s work will touch upon many areas of public policy. It will make recommendations for action across Government, public bodies and the private sector, and will inform a national conversation about race, led by the evidence.

I have assembled a group of ten talented and ethnically diverse commissioners. They bring a wealth of experience from across a range of important sectors. In order to understand why disparities exist, what works and what does not, they will consider detailed quantitative data and qualitative evidence. They will also commission new research and invite submissions where necessary.

The Commission will set out a new, positive agenda for change - balancing the needs of individuals, communities and society, maximising opportunities and ensuring fairness for all.

I have placed the list of commissioners and the Commission’s ambitious Terms of Reference, in the library of both Houses. Commissioners will be supported by a secretariat in the Cabinet Office Race Disparities Unit and will submit their report by the end of the year.

Statement from

Prime Minister