To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, whether she has made an assessment of the potential impact of outsourcing the licensing of the operation of the professional basketball league on the (a) investments and (b) financial viability of professional basketball clubs in the UK; and if she will make an assessment of the effectiveness of the British Basketball Federation's governance model.
Answered on
22 January 2025
The licensing of the operation of the professional basketball league is a matter for the British Basketball Federation (British Basketball), the National Governing Body responsible for basketball in Great Britain. The licensing of the operation of the professional basketball league is an ongoing commercial matter for the British Basketball Federation.
The revised Code for Sports Governance sets out the levels of transparency, diversity and inclusion, accountability and integrity that are required from sporting governing bodies, including the British Basketball Federation, in receipt of DCMS and National Lottery funding from UK Sport and/or Sport England (DCMS’ arm’s length bodies). Performance against those factors is kept under review.