To ask His Majesty's Government whether they are taking steps to extend the consultation period for expressions of interest from top-tier and lower tier local government in England for forming the new combined authorities outlined in the English Devolution White Paper, published on 16 December.
Answered on
7 January 2025
The Government will work with places to deliver a Devolution Priority Programme (DPP) to roll out devolution to an ambitious timeline, aiming to deliver new strategic authorities and elected Mayors by May 2026.
This Programme will provide a fast-track to mayoral devolution for areas ready to come together under sensible geographies which meet the criteria set out in the White Paper.
To meet these ambitious timelines, we have asked areas to express an interest by the 10th of January, so we can begin delivery at pace. For areas not on the DPP, we will continue to discuss how to extend and deepen devolution in their area to a slower timeframe.