To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what progress his Department has made to deliver (a) new and (b) refurbished military accommodation for 40,000 service men and women.
Answered on
22 October 2024
Service Family Accommodation (SFA):
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) manages c47,000 SFA properties in the UK.
In financial year (FY) 2024-25, the Department has purchased 351 new homes at a cost of £157 million, in areas where there is a shortage of SFA.
£441 million is currently forecast to be spent on maintaining and improving SFA including: £180 million to improve insulation in c600 homes; remediate c1,000 homes with long-term damp and mould issues, and refurbishing c200 long-term empty homes. C1,700 minor damp and mould packages are planned and c30 homes will receive upgraded heating.
Single Living Accommodation (SLA):
As part of a new programmatic approach for the construction of SLA which is intended to improve the delivery of new accommodation by finding efficiencies and improving value for money, the Department has appointed six companies to undertake this work.
This will see 16,000 new bedspaces built as part of a wider-MOD plan to build or refurbish 40,000 SLA bedspaces over 10 years. The work will improve the lived experience for Service Personnel occupying the rooms.
In FY 2024-25 £41 million is currently forecast to be spent on improving the condition of SLA including: refurbishment, heating, and room conversions to provide additional bedspaces. A further £7.5 million is forecast to be spent on internal improvements to condition and heating.
An additional c£14.3 million is forecast to be spent on Safe & Legal SLA compliance works.