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Health Services: Standards

Question for Department of Health and Social Care

UIN HL125, tabled on 18 July 2024

To ask His Majesty's Government how they will elicit views on the NHS Constitution consultation from people whose first language is not English, especially those who are high users of NHS services.

Answered on

9 August 2024

A review of the NHS Constitution was announced in October 2023. The standard consultation closed in June 2024, with the easy-read consultation on the NHS Constitution closing in July 2024. The Department acknowledges the limits of both publishing a consultation in online-only formats and solely in English.

The Department published an easy-read version, with the simplified language making the information more accessible for a broader audience, supporting those whose first language is not English to access and respond to the consultation.

The Department is committed to engagement with the public in the future and continuously improving our approach for future consultations and strategies. If any further review of the NHS Constitution takes place, ensuring communication through an accessible format for people, including those for whom English may not be their first language, will be considered.