To ask His Majesty's Government how many of the 40 new hospitals confirmed by the then Prime Minister on 2 October 2020 have been completed and are operational.
Answered on
20 May 2024
The New Hospital Programme has opened six hospitals, listed as follows:
- the Northern Centre for Cancer Care, for the North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust;
- the Royal Liverpool Hospital, for the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;
- stage 1 of the 3Ts Hospital, for the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust;
- the Northgate Hospital and Ferndene Hospital, specifically phase 1 and phase 2 of the Care Environment Development and Re-provision Programme, for the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust;
- the Dyson Cancer Centre, for the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust; and
- the Greater Manchester Major Trauma Centre, for the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust.
Two more hospitals are due to open this financial year, listed as follows:
- the Midland Metropolitan University Hospital, for Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust; and
- the National Rehabilitation Centre, for Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.