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Adrenaline Auto-injectors: Aviation

Question for Department of Health and Social Care

UIN HL4073, tabled on 24 April 2024

To ask His Majesty's Government what requirements there are for airlines to ensure adrenaline auto-injectors are available on commercial flights.

Answered on

30 April 2024

Following their review, the Adrenaline Auto-injector Expert Working Group (AAI EWG) recommended in principle that adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs) should be made available in public locations, for use in treating anaphylaxis in unforeseen and critical circumstances, provided suitable safeguards can be implemented to ensure their effective and safe use. Challenges lie in ensuring correct and secure storage of AAIs, to ensure that the adrenaline does not deteriorate, and the device remains functional. Cinemas offering food for sale and other food outlets were identified as examples of locations where emergency AAIs might have particular potential to save lives.

The legislative change will therefore concern AAI supply, to specify or define individuals or organisations with the necessary competence to obtain and store AAIs for use in the event of an anaphylactic emergency. The AAI EWG advised the need for access to AAIs in a broad range of settings such as restaurants, gyms, cinemas, childcare facilities, youth groups, and music festivals. To support such wide-ranging access, the scope of legal supply will need to be linked to a requirement for training, to support safe use.

An Expert Advisory Group for Allergy was established in 2023, across the Government and clinical organisations, and chaired by the National Allergy Strategy Group and the Department, to recommend further action by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Department of Health and Social Care, Department for Education, and the National Health Service. The Department of Health and Social Care and the MHRA are currently considering updates to the 2017 guidance, to ensure that any updated clarifications are supported by evidence, and that any open questions are answered.