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Hammersmith Bridge: Repairs and Maintenance

Question for Department for Transport

UIN 9031, tabled on 10 January 2024

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether his Department has made an estimate of when Hammersmith Bridge will be reopened to (a) buses, (b) emergency service vehicles and (c) cars.

Answered on

16 January 2024

Hammersmith Bridge is expected to be reopened to all forms of motor vehicle following the completion of the second, ‘Strengthening’ stage of works. The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham – as the owner and lead for the Hammersmith Bridge project – has produced a business case for the second stage of works, which is currently being considered by the Government. The schedule for the ‘Strengthening’ works is under development.

Named day
Named day questions only occur in the House of Commons. The MP tabling the question specifies the date on which they should receive an answer. MPs may not table more than five named day questions on a single day.