To ask His Majesty's Government how many immigrants arrived in the UK (1) legally, and (2) illegally, in each calendar year since 2015.
Answered on
31 July 2023
The Home Office publishes the following data on
Data on visas granted are published in table Vis_D02 of the ‘Immigration System Statistics release’. These statistics refer to the number of visas granted, and do not necessarily reflect the number of arrivals from long-term immigrants.
Data on asylum seekers and refugees resettled in the UK can be found in tables Asy_D01 and Asy_D02 of the ‘Immigration System Statistics release’. Data on detected irregular arrivals to the UK is published in table Irr_01 of the ‘Irregular migration to the UK summary tables’. These statistics should not be used to infer the size of the irregular population in the UK, nor the total number of people entering the UK irregularly.