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Malaria: Disease Control

Question for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

UIN HL8016, tabled on 22 May 2023

To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to contribute to eradicating malaria within the foreseeable future.

Answered on

5 June 2023

The UK is a global leader in supporting work towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3.3 to end the epidemic of malaria by 2030. The UK recently pledged £1 billion for the seventh replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria which accounts for 63 per cent of all international funding for malaria programmes. We also continue to play a leading role in research and development, including supporting the Innovative Vector Control Consortium to develop novel bed-nets and Oxford University to develop a new generation of antimalarial medicines to address the threat from emerging drug resistance.