To ask His Majesty's Government how many people visited the NHS 111 website in each year since 2017; and of those, what proportion were to pages relating to minor ailments in each year.
Answered on
5 April 2023
The information is not available in the format requested as NHS 111 online was not fully functional and available nationally until early 2019. A copy of information is attached that shows the proportion of people using the NHS 111 online service from 2019 to 2022 that have been recommended self-care in England, by National Health Service region, and by sub-integrated care board level correlating to former clinical commissioning group areas.
Data on the number of people visiting the NHS 111 website in each year since 2017 and the proportion that visited pages relating to minor ailments in each year is not held centrally. NHS 111 online does not provide pages for minor ailments, but triages and directs users to appropriate services or care.