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Question for Department for Education

UIN 154017, tabled on 27 February 2023

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, which qualifications were identified as not overlapping with wave 1 and 2 T levels by the independent assessors commissioned by her Department to work on the review of Level 3 qualifications.

Answered on

7 March 2023

From the 2,000 qualifications that are available at Level 3, approximately 700 qualifications were identified which may overlap with wave 1 and 2 T Levels. Following an independent assessment, approximately 500 of these qualifications were found to not meet the 3 overlap tests. After moderation of these independent decisions was carried out by officials, a provisional overlap list of 160 qualifications was published in May 2022. Awarding organisations were given the opportunity to appeal before a final list of 106 qualifications was published in October 2022. This list excluded qualifications overlapping with the Health and Science T Levels, due to an ongoing review by the Institute for Apprenticeship and Technical Education. The final list of qualifications which have been assessed as overlapping with the Health and Science T Levels will be published shortly.

Further information can be found in guidance from the department, which can be accessed here: