To the Secretary of State for Education, what recent assessment her Department has made to the potential merits of publishing an ESOL Strategy for England.
Answered on
3 March 2023
The department is aware that language skills are crucial to help people integrate into life in England, as well as to break down barriers to work and career progression. This is why we want to support all adults in England to secure the English language skills that they need.
The department funds English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) provision through the Adult Education Budget (AEB). Currently, approximately 60% of the AEB is devolved to 9 Mayoral Combined Authorities and the Mayor of London, acting where appropriate through the Greater London Authority. These authorities are responsible for the provision of AEB-funded adult education for their residents, including ESOL, and allocation of the AEB to providers. The Education and Skills Funding Agency is responsible for the remaining AEB in non-devolved areas, where colleges and training providers have the freedom and flexibility to determine how they use their AEB to meet the needs of their communities.
The department also continues to work closely across Government to meet emerging ESOL needs. For example, acting quickly to ensure all Ukrainian adults and their family members that are supported through the Ukraine Family Scheme, Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme and Ukraine Extension Scheme are immediately eligible for further education funding for ages 19+ , including access to ESOL provision and exemption from the 3-year residency requirement, as per the current AEB funding rules.
In addition, through the Qualifications Review the department is ensuring that the ESOL provision on offer continues to support adults to achieve their potential in life, study and work.