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Prisons: Islam

Question for Ministry of Justice

UIN HL4672, tabled on 11 January 2023

To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the reply by Lord Bellamy on 10 January (HL Deb, col 1296), what research they have conducted on the impact of Muslim chaplains on (1) Islamism, and (2) non-Muslims, in prisons.

Answered on

23 January 2023

Muslim Chaplains in prison play a central role in challenging Islamism through the delivery of HM Prison and Probation Service’s Tarbiyah programme. This has been independently peer-reviewed and provides prisoners with a nuanced and holistic understanding of the faith and is therefore a crucial protective factor against Islamist extremism. In addition, the Home Office commissioned an independent evaluation of the Desistence and Disengagement Programme (which includes a Theological and Ideological Intervention), which is expected to conclude this year. No research has been undertaken on the impact of Muslim Chaplains on non-Muslims in prison.

Our Muslim Chaplains work closely with chaplains of all other faiths and beliefs in delivering HMPPS’ multi-faith model of chaplaincy support which includes the provision of non-religious pastoral care to prisoners and staff of all faiths and none. As set out in Prison Service Instruction 5/2016 (Faith and Pastoral Care of Prisoners) a prisoner or staff member may request support from a chaplain of a specific faith or belief if not the same as the duty chaplain which will be arranged as soon as possible if a chaplain of that denomination is not on duty at the time of request.