To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, pursuant to the Answer of 20 December 2021 to Question 92932, and with reference to page 11 of the Life Sciences Vision, what plans his Department has to simplify governance and oversight of NHS health data to drive research and innovation; and how the Medical Technology Directorate will contribute to that.
Answered on
26 April 2022
The Medical Technologies (MedTech) Directorate aligns with the Life Sciences Vision to supports the simplification of governance and oversight processes. The Directorate’s recently established data and analysis team will work with health and social care partners to strengthen the collection and use of evidence, improve national data standards and promote better integration of datasets in the MedTech Sector. More detail on the improvement of data governance will be published in the MedTech Strategy in summer 2022.
In addition, the newly created NHS Transformation Directorate is leading on data collection and management needs to fulfil the Life Sciences Vision. The MedTech Directorate will work with the NHS Transformation Directorate to support its aim of integrating National Health Service health and genomic datasets in the United Kingdom, to encourage innovation and clinical trials with diverse representation.