To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made, if any, of the extent to which the requirement that institutions seeking Degree Awarding Powers (DAPs) should have more than 50 per cent of their students studying at Level 6 or above is holding back the development of higher technical qualifications at Level 4 and Level 5.
Answered on
22 March 2022
The Office for Students (OfS) published its response to its consultation on the quality and standards conditions on 2 March. This publication acknowledges that several issues were raised during the consultation about requirements on institutions seeking Degree Awarding Powers (DAPs).
We are expecting the OfS to consider a review of DAPs in the coming financial year and expect that review to consider the case for intervention in the DAPs to increase the availability of high-quality courses across England.
In addition, it is a key government priority to grow level 4 and 5 provision. We are doing more to support level 4 and 5 provision by raising the profile and prestige of level 4 and 5 courses through improved communications and information, advice, and guidance, including through the launch of a new national communications campaign in January 2022. We will also Introduce the Lifelong Learning Entitlement from 2025 to support a more accessible, flexible system.
The department will be continuing to roll out reforms to higher technical education to ensure that, over time, Higher Technical Qualifications (qualifications approved to deliver the skills employers need) are established as a flagship offer at level 4 and 5, including improving student finance to support learners in accessing these qualifications. Providing further funding to support providers with the upfront investments required to roll out Higher Technical Qualifications and strategic priorities grant funding to encourage and support level 4 and 5 provision.
Through the higher education reform consultation we are also seeking views on the role of the fees and funding system in growing provision and uptake of level 4 and 5 courses.