To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, with reference to box 3.6 on page 172 of the Levelling Up in the United Kingdom White Paper which states that a further £1 billion has been invested in the Future Combat Air System Technology Initiative, what proportion of that funding will be spent on research and development; and how much of that funding is planned to be spent outside the Greater South East.
Answered on
14 March 2022
The Future Combat Air System Technology Initiative (FCAS TI) is a research and development programme in partnership with industry and SMEs, set up to develop cutting-edge technologies and expertise to deliver the UK's future combat air capability. All of the further £1 billion outlined in the Levelling Up in the United Kingdom White Paper will be spent on research and development.
FCAS TI funding goes through a broad supply chain including our 'Team Tempest' partners. They are always looking for new expertise to support this work, so we do not hold data on where they will spend this funding. However, given their locations we believe a significant majority of the work undertaken by our FCAS TI suppliers, is executed outside of the South East.