To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, with reference to the Government’s press release entitled £260 million to boost healthcare research and manufacturing, published on 2 March 2022, noting that Ortho Clinicals Diagnostics UK, Custom Pharmaceuticals Limited and Randox Laboratories have been awarded funding through the Medicines and Diagnostics Manufacturing Transformation Fund, how much funding has been allocated to the Medicines and Diagnostics Manufacturing Transformation Fund to date; and if he will make it his policy that allocations to that fund will not affect funding for the Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund.
Answered on
11 March 2022
£5,009m has been allocated to successful Medicines and Diagnostics Manufacturing Transformation Fund (MDMTF) projects to date. These allocations have no impact on the Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund resource. Applicants from the one-year MDMTF can also apply to the successor fund if the application is for a different project.