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Carbon Emissions: Certification Quality Marks

Question for Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

UIN 120806, tabled on 8 February 2022

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, if he will develop and promote an international kite mark scheme to show products manufactured using low-carbon materials and methods.

Answered on

21 February 2022

The Government plans to publish proposals related to low carbon labelling (such as kite marks) for manufactured products in the autumn. The supporting call for evidence Towards a market for low emissions industrial products is open for responses until 28 February[1].

The UK leads the Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative with India, which is a global coalition of public and private organisations working to standardise carbon assessments and design industry guidelines.

[1] Towards a market for low emissions industrial products: call for evidence.

Answered by

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Named day
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