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Ministry of Defence: Expenditure

Question for Ministry of Defence

UIN 109220, tabled on 21 January 2022

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, for what reason omitted estimates and data for jobs supported by MOD expenditure have been delayed for the report entitled MOD regional expenditure with UK industry and commerce and supported employment 2020/2021; and when that data will be published.

Answered on

26 January 2022

The omitted estimates and data for jobs supported by Ministry of Defence expenditure have been delayed due to a delay in the availability of the latest employment and turnover data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), caused by the impact of COVID-19 on the ONS Business Surveys. The ONS figures are required for the calculation of employment estimates. Subject to the availability of data from the ONS, we estimate that we will be able publish a revision of the bulletin to include the jobs estimates for 2020-21 in early summer 2022.

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