To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether covid-19 vaccine candidates within a particular age decade will be offered that vaccine in order of their year group, date of birth, alphabetically or otherwise; and whether the scenario is possible that people resident in the same local area who are aged 71 could receive their vaccinations in advance of people living in that same local area who are aged 79.
This answer is the replacement for a previous holding answer.
Answered on
26 March 2021
Nationally, individuals eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine within a particular age-based priority group are offered a vaccine in order of their year group in descending order.
Operationally, if patients in the eligible cohort wish to utilise a vaccination centre, they can choose to do so by booking online or via 119. It is therefore possible that if an individual will wait longer to book their vaccination than others it is possible they may receive a vaccine after residents in the same local area who are younger.