To ask Her Majesty's Government whether China General Nuclear Cooperation’s 20 per cent holding in NNB Generation Company (SZC) Ltd entitles that Cooperation to a nuclear site licence for Sizewell C; and what assessment they have made of the suitability of that cooperation as a nuclear power operator if they subsequently acquired a controlling interest in NNB Generation Company (SZC) Ltd.
Answered on
3 August 2020
All nuclear site licences are assessed and granted by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). Site licensees are required to comply with stringent safety and security regulations overseen by the ONR.
A nuclear site licence does not confer any special status on shareholders, regardless of the size of their stake, and does not entitle them to hold a nuclear site licence now or in the future. An individual site licence is not transferable; any significant change in the management structure of NNB Generating Company (SZC) Ltd would trigger a revision and reapproval of the site licence to reflect the new arrangements.