To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they are purchasing hydroxychloroquine and if so, for what purpose; and what is the total cost of the purchase of hydroxychloroquine to date.
Answered on
1 June 2020
Clinical trials are currently under way to assess whether existing medicines are safe and effective for treating COVID-19, with more than 10 drugs being tested in the United Kingdom in this way, including hydroxychloroquine. In order to support a number of those trials, there are centrally procured and managed supplies of hydroxychloroquine.
The Department is also securing additional supplies of a number of medicines as part of our COVID-19 response, which could be deployed for population use if required and considered safe and effective to do so. We continue to review supply requirements as further evidence becomes available. To date, we have placed orders for hydroxychloroquine worth around £5 million, of which medicine to the value of £1.9 million has already been delivered (exclusive of VAT).