To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the advice from the World Health Organisation that evidence shows that patients who have recovered from COVID-19 are not necessarily immune from reinfection; and what impact that advice will have on their policy regarding easing the lockdown in the UK.
Answered on
10 June 2020
The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) is responsible for ensuring that timely and coordinated scientific advice is made available to decision-makers, to support United Kingdom cross-Government decisions. In fulfilling this role, SAGE considers a wide range scientific evidence, including from the World Health Organization. Our approach has been, and will continue to be, guided by the evidence and latest advice from medical experts.
The Government has been clear throughout the pandemic that it is vital to take the right steps at the right time. Decisions on when to adjust lockdown measures are guided by scientific advice and based on the following five tests that need to be met:
- The National Health Service is able to provide sufficient care, facilities and treatment across the United Kingdom to meet demand;
- A sustained fall in the death rate;
- The rate of infection has decreased across all settings;
- Confidence that operational challenges, such as increasing our testing capacity and having enough personal protective equipment, are in hand; and
- Confidence that any changes will not lead to a significant second peak of infections.