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Patient Access to Medicines Partnership

Question for Department of Health and Social Care

UIN 26164, tabled on 6 March 2020

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what process was used for recruiting organisations and members to the Patient Access to Medicines Partnership; and how regularly that Partnership meets.

Answered on

16 March 2020

The Patient Access to Medicines Partnership (PAMP) is a forum for strategic, high-level, discussions on United Kingdom pharmaceutical and medicines access policy. It is made up of a small group of senior leaders from industry, government, NHS England and NHS Improvement, UK regulators, and a patient representative from the Charity Medicines Access Coalition. The membership of PAMP was proposed by the industry representative groups and agreed by the joint chairs of the board.

PAMP meets bi-annually and is co-chaired by the Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Innovation (Lord Bethell) along with the Senior Pharmaceutical Industry Executive. The inaugural meeting was held in June 2019 and the most recent meeting took place in February 2020.