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Migrants: Detainees

Question for Home Office

UIN 276155, tabled on 11 July 2019

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many migrant detainees were referred to the National Referral Mechanism in each year since 2015.

Answered on

22 July 2019

The Government is committed to identifying and supporting victims of modern slavery. The National Crime Agency regularly publishes NRM data, and the number of potential victims referred into the NRM for 2018 is available online here:
Annual summary statistics for previous years are also published on the NCA website.

The statistics also show the outcomes of reasonable and conclusive grounds decisions. This data does not distinguish whether individuals are migrant detainees. Since 29th April this year the Single Competent Authority (SCA) took over responsibility for decision making in the NRM from the NCA and UKVI. Publishing of statistics for future years regarding the NRM will therefore be the responsibility of the Home Office.

Answered by

Home Office