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Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority: Location

Question for Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority

UIN 262236, tabled on 10 June 2019

To ask the hon. Member for Broxbourne, representing the Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, for what reason the Authority did not consider locations for its offices outside London and the South-East.

This answer is the replacement for a previous holding answer.

Answered on

20 June 2019

When moving offices, IPSA considered locations only in London and the South East, as evidence from other public bodies shows that organisations that relocate by a significant distance tend to lose more staff. IPSA is a small organisation and wished to retain its staff in order to continue uninterrupted its support to MPs, including regular meetings between them and their IPSA account managers, and its assurance to the public about MPs’ spending.

Answered by

Speaker's Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority