To ask Her Majesty's Government what upgrades and enhancements they have made to (1) staffing, and (2) facilities, at embassies in the EU27 nations since the EU referendum.
Answered on
6 June 2019
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has created approximately 550 EU Exit roles in the UK and overseas. We have used these roles to strengthen our diplomatic network in the UK and across Europe so that we are better able to represent and promote British interests and engage with our European partners in support of a successful EU Exit. In addition, other staff are also engaged on EU Exit planning as part of their wider responsibilities. We continue to keep staffing levels under constant review to ensure that they are appropriate to deliver the Government's objectives.
We undertake regular reviews of our estate portfolio around the world. This is a continuing process to ensure the estate is fit for purpose and offers the best value for money in delivering Her Majesty's Government objectives. No major estates projects were undertaken because of the result of the referendum. A number of Posts have carried out small changes to their office layouts as well as routine maintenance.