To ask Her Majesty's Government how many Albanian nationals who have received a positive conclusive grounds decision through the National Referral Mechanism have since (1) been repatriated, and (2) returned of their own volition to Albania.
Answered on
18 March 2019
This answer is a correction from the original answer.
The Home Office record the number of all individuals referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and this information is published Quarterly by the National Crime Agency. This information does not distinguish an individ-ual’s immigration status. The reason for this is two-fold, firstly because the NRM is not an immigration route by which individuals should regularise their stay in the United Kingdom and, secondly, because a person’s immigration status is not permanent and can change.
Providing the information requested would therefore require a manual check of individual records which could only be done at disproportionate cost.
Original answer
The Home Office engages closely with Local Authorities, through Strategic Migration Partnerships, on a regular basis to assess the effectiveness of asy-lum dispersal and discuss issues such as local cohesion. In addition, accommodation Providers must consult on every property that is to be used for asylum dispersal with Local Authorities who will assess its viability in relation to social cohesion, as well as a number of other factors
A governance structure has been established to facilitate a joint review into asylum dispersal which will be co-designed and co-produced by Local Au-thorities and the Home Office.