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Pakistan: Minority Groups

Question for Department for International Development

UIN HL11949, tabled on 3 December 2018

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Bates on 27 November (HL11514), whether they intend to collect disaggregated population data on minority groups in Pakistan to establish whether UK aid reaches those groups; when they last raised the issue of inclusion of minorities with the government of Pakistan; and what response, if any, they received.

Answered on

17 December 2018

DFID has developed a data disaggregation action plan to help strengthen our understanding of whom and where people are, or are at risk of, being left behind and the analysis of why. The action plan sets out the initial practical steps that we will take to move the agenda forward within our own organisation and through the global system, focusing on four key levels of disaggregation - sex, age, disability status and geography. We have focused on these four in the first instance to reorient our approach and raise our ambition, which over time will ensure DFID is better equipped to disaggregate in a number of ways, including by minority group. DFID and FCO continue to raise the issue of human rights of minorities at the highest levels with the Government of Pakistan, including in our annual Bilateral Assistance Talks, advocating greater tolerance and action against abuses when they occur.