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Local Government Finance: Coastal Areas

Question for Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

UIN HL10190, tabled on 7 September 2018

To ask Her Majesty's Government what support they are providing to local authorities that serve coastal communities.

Answered on

19 September 2018

Since 2012 we have invested over £173 million across the UK in 295 Coastal Community Fund (CCF) projects. Over 70 per cent of this funding has gone to coastal local authorities that have been awarded grants directly for their own projects or to manage funds on behalf of voluntary or community sector projects in their area. I will shortly be announcing the first tranche of winners in CCF Round 5 in England

We have also provided £1.46 million to help establish 146 Coastal Community Teams (CCTs) in England which bring together local councils, businesses, and local stakeholders to agree priorities for economic development in their area. The £10,000 grant each CCT has received was paid to the participating local authority, all of whom are involved in the development of the CCT economic plan.

The Coastal Revival Fund (CRF) has provided £3.7 million to support 92 projects in coastal areas in England to help kick start the regeneration of “at risk” coastal heritage with potential to create opportunities for new economic uses. All CRF grants are paid through local authorities to support approved projects. A new CRF round opened in May 2018 with £1 million available to help bring more coastal heritage assets back into use.

Central government also pays Revenue Support Grant to all local authorities, including those serving coastal communities, to finance revenue expenditure on any service they provide.