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Nuclear Reactors

Question for Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

UIN 137079, tabled on 23 April 2018

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, whether the Design Acceptance Certificate for the European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) could be used for a re-designed EPR; and if he will make a statement.

Answered on

1 May 2018

A Design Acceptance Confirmation (DAC) completes the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) led by the UK’s independent regulators to assess non-site specific (i.e. generic) aspects of new reactor designs. GDA is not a statutory requirement of the nuclear licensing regime and any site specific elements of EPR design will be assessed by the Office for Nuclear Regulation as part of a site specific safety case ahead of any construction.

Answered by

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy