To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what applications he has received from Milton Keynes Council for funding for (a) homelessness and (b) rough-sleeping projects since May 2014.
Answered on
18 April 2018
The Department’s £50 million Homeless Prevention Programme comprises of thee funds:
£20 million to establish a network of 28 ambitious Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer areas;
£20 million rough sleeping grant fund for 48 projects providing targeted prevention and early intervention for those at imminent risk of sleeping rough; and
£10 million for 8 Social Impact Bond projects to provide personalised support for long-term rough sleepers.
Milton Keynes submitted bids for all three funds. In response to their cross-authority bid with Luton and Bedford for Rough Sleeping Grant funding, they were awarded £624,000.