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Cancer: Yorkshire and the Humber

Question for Department of Health and Social Care

UIN 123912, tabled on 22 January 2018

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what progress has been made in implementing the NHS England Cancer Strategy in Yorkshire and the Humber.

Answered on

30 January 2018

Cancer is a priority programme for the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). It is also a national clinical priority and a key recommendation from the independent Cancer Taskforce in the Cancer Strategy for England was to establish local Cancer Alliances as the decision-making body in relation to the planning and delivery of the Strategy locally.

Work has been undertaken with stakeholders and the former Cancer Strategy Groups to shape the local cancer ambition and the transition to Cancer Alliances. Within Yorkshire and the Humber there are three Cancer Alliances:

- South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire;

- West Yorkshire and Harrogate; and

- Humber, Coast and Vale.

Each of the Cancer Alliances has a Board which has developed a work programme which is aligned to and therefore accountable to the STP for delivery. The delivery plans and/or progress update for each Cancer Alliance can be found here:

South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire:

West Yorkshire and Harrogate:

Humber, Coast and Vale: