To ask Her Majesty's Government how many high-rise buildings in England have flammable insulation similar to that in Grenfell Tower; what plans they have, in conjunction with local authorities, to ensure that such insulation is replaced; and over what length of time.
Answered on
7 December 2017
The Metropolitan Police are leading a detailed investigation into the fire at Grenfell Tower and we await the outcome of that. Given the particular concerns around Aluminium Composite Material cladding, our initial priority through the Department's Building Safety Programme has been testing those cladding systems. The large-scale tests of cladding systems with Aluminium Composite Material panels and various types of insulation are now complete and advice on the results was published on 5 September. This advice is available here (attached):
The Expert Panel is considering whether there may be any heightened risks linked to other issues, such as other cladding systems and broader safety issues.