To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what steps the Government is taking to improve the UK's clinical trials base capacity over the next five years.
Answered on
1 November 2017
The Government continues to take steps to improve the United Kingdom’s clinical trials base capacity.
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) provides significant investment to support the UK’s clinical trials base and has transformed the health research environment in the UK. This investment includes the England-wide NIHR Clinical Research Network which provides the infrastructure in the National Health Service to deliver clinical trials and other well designed studies. NIHR also provides funding to support Clinical Trial Units. These specialist units support researchers in the design, conduct, analysis and publication of clinical trials and other well-designed studies.
The NIHR also supports capacity development through personal and infrastructure training awards, which includes supporting the development of a highlight skilled research and trials workforce through funding for NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowships. The NIHR has recently published a review of NIHR academic training. The report is available at:
In 2016/17 the NIHR committed to invest £981 million over the next five years in research infrastructure in the NHS in England, providing the expertise and facilities the NHS needs to undertake health research and clinical studies. This includes funding for NIHR Biomedical Research Centres, NIHR Clinical Research Facilities and Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres.
The Medical Research Council (MRC) supports a number of activities and initiatives which aim to improve the UK clinical trials capacity. The MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London provides expertise in novel clinical trial methodology including complex stratified medicine trials and contributes to capacity building through training programmes and conferences. The MRC Hub for Trials Methodology Research Network supports the development of trials methodology research in the UK through leadership and developing guidance for trialists to improve the design, conduct and reporting of clinical trials and support for PhD Studentships to grow national capacity. The MRC’s Regulatory Support Centre supports the research community with appropriate interpretation and implementation of regulatory requirements.
The Government has also noted the recommendations in Sir John Bell’s Life Sciences Industrial Strategy regarding improving UK clinical trial capabilities and will consider them, along with other recommendations, as part of the ongoing sector deal process. The strategy is available at: