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Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Adam Smith International

Question for Foreign and Commonwealth Office

UIN 9083, tabled on 6 September 2017

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, how much funding from the public purse has been paid by his Department to Adam Smith International since March 2017; how much of that funding is classified as Official Development Assistance; and whether his Department has (a) signed any new contracts or (b) extended existing contracts with Adam Smith International since March 2017.

This answer is the replacement for a previous holding answer.

Answered on

12 September 2017

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has paid Adam Smith International £12.1m since 1 April 2017 across six contracts, funding projects in high priority countries affected by conflict in the Middle East, East Africa and South Asia. The FCO has extended three of those contracts since 1 April 2017. All of this funding is Official Development Assistance. The extended programmes will be retendered later this year. The Department has not signed any new contracts.

Answered by

Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Named day
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