To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what steps his Department has taken to promote, identify and treat mental health conditions in the prison population.
Answered on
11 September 2017
The department remains committed to reforming our prisons to make them safe and secure establishments with access to health, including mental health services to support the rehabilitation of offenders in custody.
Health services, in English prisons are commissioned by NHS England and by Local Health Boards in Wales, informed by evidence of the need in each prison. All prisoners have an initial health screen at reception by clinical staff and may be referred for further treatment, within or outside prisons, where mental health needs are identified.
Prison staff also have a critical role to play in identifying mental health needs and supporting prisoners. We are rolling out new suicide and self-harm prevention training which includes a module on mental health awareness. This is being delivered to all new prison officers as part of their entry level training (POELT), to existing prison officers, and to non-HMPPS staff who come into contact with prisoners.
Alongside this, we are investing £100 million towards recruitment of 2,500 new staff, and introducing new offender management arrangements in prisons under which Key Workers will have particular responsibility for a small number of prisoners. These measures will enhance the time and resources available to support prisoners. Dedicated officers will be able to build a relationship with prisoners and be in a better position to recognise and respond to changes in their behaviour or their mental well-being.
We are continuing to work with our health partners to improve our understanding of the mental health of prisoners. Since April 2017 we have launched co-commissioning, which means governors will now begin to have greater input into decision making about health provision in their prisons, enabling them to identify and work with health commissioners to contribute to the commissioning of quality healthcare services.