To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what estimate he has made of the time spent by his Department's staff on the Crossrail 2 business case who are (a) based exclusively in his Department and (b) embedded with Transport for London in the financial year 2016-17 and prior to Transport for London submitting that business case to his Department.
Answered on
26 July 2017
We are currently analysing the Strategic Outline Business Case, submitted by Transport for London, to ensure it is a robust investment with a fair and credible funding plan, as recommended by the National Infrastructure Commission. Our next steps to deliver those capacity improvements will be decided when that analysis is complete.
There are 6.8 full-time equivalent members of staff currently working on Crossrail 2 in the Department. They have spent a significant proportion of their time providing advice to and working closely with Transport for London officials on the development of the Strategic Outline Business Case.