To ask Her Majesty’s Government what consideration has been given to establishing and promoting Gypsy, Traveller and Roma groups in Secure Training Centres and Young Offenders Institutions, based on successful models seen in the secure adult estate.
Answered on
9 February 2017
We have already introduced elements from the models used in the adult estate in Young Offender Institutions (YOIs). These include guidance on good practice, which is available to all staff and includes guidance on those identifying as Gypsy, Romany or Traveller (GRT); and issues for the management of GRT young people which is incorporated into the general training of new officers.
We are committed to improving the outcomes for all young people in the youth justice system, including those who identify as GRT. We want all young people in custody to have their individual needs assessed and a personal plan in place to drive improvements in their behaviour, education and health.