To ask Her Majesty’s Government what is their estimate of the amount of aid expenditure in respect of refugees from Syria since 1 April 2012 in each of (1) Lebanon, (2) Jordan, (3) Turkey, and (4) EU Member States; and in each category how much was routed through (a) state governments, (b) UN agencies, (c) EU agencies, and (d) voluntary organisations of all kinds.
Answered on
26 October 2016
UK funding in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey targets not only Syrian refugees, but also vulnerable members of the communities hosting these refugees.
To date, the UK has pledged a total of £2.3 billion to the Syria crisis response, to be allocated and spent by Department for International Development (DFID) implementing partners between 2012 and 2020. Of this, £1.7 billion has already been allocated to partners working in the region, including £1.1 billion in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. £285 million of this is a contribution to the EU Turkey Refugee Facility, in addition to the UK’s contribution via the EU budget, to be spent between 2016 and 2019.
Table 1 (attached) provides a summary of how much DFID Syria Crisis Response funding has been spent (disbursed out of DFID bank accounts) up to the end of financial year 2015/2016, to implementing partners in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey by partner type.
DFID has also allocated £54.5 million as part of its Mediterranean Crisis Response since October 2015. Over one million refugees and migrants crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2015, half a million of whom were Syrians escaping war. This funding has not only reached refugees from Syria, but also beneficiaries from other nationalities. Table 2 (attached) shows the Mediterranean Crisis Response funding DFID has allocated to be spent in each country by implementing partner.