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Teachers: Qualifications

Question for Department for Education

UIN HL5822, tabled on 3 February 2016

To ask Her Majesty’s Government which body or bodies establishes the final criteria for qualified teacher status; what are those criteria; and where they are made available.

Answered on

18 February 2016

The National College for Teaching and Leadership publishes the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) criteria. These set out entry, training, management and quality assurance criteria with which all accredited providers of ITT must comply with.

The Teachers’ Standards were published in 2011 and apply to all teachers regardless of their career stage. They define the minimum level of practice expected of teachers. For the purpose of the award of qualified teacher status (QTS), they constitute the ‘specified standards’ within the meaning given to the phrase in Schedule 2 of The Education (School Teachers’ Qualifications) (England) Regulations. As such, they are used by accredited providers of ITT to assess trainee progress and attainment during, and the end of, a training programme.

The ITT criteria and Teachers’ Standards have been attached to this answer.