To ask the right hon. Member for Meriden, representing the Church Commissioners, which Anglican churches within the Diocese of Blackburn were damaged by flooding in December 2015; and what the extent of damage to each such church was.
Answered on
13 January 2016
Within the Diocese of Blackburn seven churches and churchyards, the diocesan retreat house at Whalley Abbey and three Church of England primary schools were damaged by floodwater. Many have also found that the boilers and heating systems have been damaged beyond repair and extensive programmes of works will need to be undertaken to both dry the buildings out and restore or replace furniture, carpets and school materials.
Reports of damage are still being registered across the Dioceses of Blackburn, Carlisle, Manchester, West Yorkshire and the Dales and York. To date 129 church properties have registered substantial damage from the December storms with our insurers, though I expect that figure to rise. The Cathedral and Church Buildings Council of the Church of England will be working with the dioceses to develop robust disaster management and recovery plans and flood adaptation measures for churches and other buildings.
Within the Blackburn Diocese
Parish Name / building | Grade or * listing / Status | Type of damage |
St Michael’s on Wyre | Grade 1 | Water damage and damage to the boiler |
St Michael's, Much Hoole | Grade 2* | Water damage and damage to the boiler |
St Mary the Virgin, Eccleston | Grade 2* | Water damage |
St Michael & All Angels, Croston | Grade 2* | Severe water damage |
St John the Evangelist, Lancaster (Incare of Churches Conservation Trust) | Grade 2* | Severe water damage |
St John the Baptist, Tunstall | Grade 1 | Damage to the boiler |
St Wilfrid's, Ribchester | Grade 1 | Damage to the graveyard and loss of many burials and monuments |
Whalley Abbey | Grade 1 and Scheduled Ancient Monument | Major water damage to the Abbey building |
Kirkland & Catterall St. Helen's CofE School | Primary School | Severe water damage |
St. Michael's on Wyre C of E School | Primary School | Major water damage |
Whalley CofE School | Primary School | Basement flooded and water damage |