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Arms Trade: Israel

Question for Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

UIN 8285, tabled on 21 July 2015

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, what licences have been issued to (a) Instro Precision, (b) Ferranti Technologies and (c) Elite KL for exports for the use of the Israeli Defence Force or other elements of Israel's security forces on what dates since 1 January 2010; and what the date of each such licence was.

Answered on

8 September 2015

Six Standard Individual Export Licences for military goods have been granted to the named companies for ultimate end-use by the Israeli Defence Forces since 1 January 2010. I am unable to disclose more specific details as to do so might reveal commercially sensitive information.

All export licences are issued in strict accordance with the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria.

Answered by

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills