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Extremism Analysis Unit

Question for Home Office

UIN 7943, tabled on 20 July 2015

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, under what methodology and criteria the Extremism Analysis Unit will blacklist individuals and organisations.

Answered on

7 September 2015

The Extremism Analysis Unit (EAU) was established with a remit to analyse extremism in this country, and abroad where it has a direct impact on the UK and/or UK interests. The EAU is a cross-government resource, with government departments able to commission research and analysis.

The EAU and Home Office officials engage widely with partners across government, academia and, communities.

The Unit currently has 14 staff and is intended to grow by a further 10. This is met out of existing budget.

The Home Secretary is accountable to Parliament for the work of the EAU. The EAU does not blacklist individuals or organisations.

Answered by

Home Office