To ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they are taking to ensure benefits claimants facing hardship difficulties are provided with appropriate welfare advice by front-line Jobcentre Plus staff, and to publicise the availability of such advice.
Answered on
10 March 2015
As part of helping claimants with employment-related support, Jobcentre Plus work coaches provide those facing ''hardship difficulties'' with appropriate information, advice and guidance. Depending upon individual circumstances, this could include information about and help to claim Hardship Payments (where a sanction has been applied), raising awareness of Short Term Benefit Advances for those awaiting initial payment of benefit; and signposting claimants to other sources of help available locally.
As the support on offer is tailored to local need, Jobcentre Plus offices have the flexibility to promote these services through the means that best suits their local needs. This may include displaying leaflets or posters of the types of services on offer or holding a list of the different organisations providing support which will be issued to claimants in ‘’hardship’’.